Monday, January 19, 2009

We the people of the United States hereby declare war on the enemies within as listed below.

Wanted any information leading to the home addresses of these vermin that make Bernie Madoff look like Bo Beep. They've taken billions in bailout money and the credit market is still frozen, they've refused to account for it and will not participate in cramming down principal on mortgages and interest as well in order for homeowners to stay in their homes.

They've proven that they want to foreclose and then to add insult to injury, they, in turn, are selling these properties to foreigners at 1 to 2 percent of the value. This blatant attempt to destroy and eventually eliminate the middle class must not go un-punished any further.

Congress fears them, works solely at their behest and therefore they are accomplices to the same atrocitiess being carried out. They won't ruffle the feathers of the same people that pay for their conventions, innauguarations and provide them with endless perks and trips at the expense of the taxpayers and the blood of the homeowners.

Anyone who is willing to provide to us, in confidence, the whereabouts of these CEO's who hide in their ivory towers and then go home to their palatial estates without a worry or a concern for the people of this country just as long as Congress continues to feed them regularly.

Help us end this feeding frenzy and bring the rallies and protests to their residence and let them know they are on our list and we want them deposed and a corrected manner in which they do business.

The major players and violators are listed below. Take a good look at them as this is what EVIL really looks like.

To express your disdain you must call your state's (2) U.S. Senators and you state U.S. Representative along with placing calls to the people and organization listed to let them know that you want them to stop sucking the country dry while doing nothing and to but out of our government.

Patriots that wish to provide us with the addresses are urged to email us at:

(203) 934-4232

Thank you,
Anything You Want LLC.

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John Courson, CEO, National Mortgage Bankers Association

John Courson, CEO, National Mortgage Bankers Association

David G. Kittle, Chairman, National Mortgage Bankers Association

David G. Kittle, Chairman, National Mortgage Bankers Association

David R. Misch CEO, Bank of New York-Mellon

David R. Misch CEO, Bank of New York-Mellon

Jamie Dimon, CEO, JP Morgan-Chase

Jamie Dimon, CEO, JP Morgan-Chase

Kenneth D. Lewis, CEO, Bank of America, Countrywide Home Loans and Merrill-Lynch

Kenneth D. Lewis, CEO, Bank of America, Countrywide Home Loans and Merrill-Lynch

Thomas J. Donohue, CEO, National Chamber of Commerce-Lobbyist Group for these vermin.

Thomas J. Donohue, CEO, National Chamber of Commerce-Lobbyist Group for these vermin.

Edward LIddy, CEO, AIG Insurance

Edward LIddy, CEO, AIG Insurance
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