Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Homeowners joining forces to demand that Congress redresses citizenry grievances relating to T.A.R.P. and Bailout deficiencies and waste.

This is a call to all those that wish to join a class action lawsuit against the corporations below and others, who through their greed, have brought us to this point in time, but up till now, the blame has been put at our feet and we will not accept the blame. We are homeowners, you are homeowners and taxpayers too and this is the ony way that it can be done as Congress just won't listen nor do they want to do what's best for America as they don't want to cut off the hands that feed them.

We, the citizens of these United States, are declaring that Congress as a body has not acted in the best interest of the citizens and is only on a path of assisting private corporations become bigger and more powerful by supplying them with a never-ending flow of taxpayer money to bail them out for their wrong decisions, not demanding accountability and tolerating and allowing these same corporations to be belligerent when being asked to account for said funds being provided to them.

It has become evident that the golden parachutes are still being supplied to executives, wasteful spending is occurring at a wholesale rate including salaries, trips, bonuses, lavish gifts, extravagant remodeling of their offices and homes, not providing loans and mortgages to borrowers and causing a freeze of the credit market for which the funds were originally intended to unfreeze.

Congress has acted irresponsible in every way by passing laws that repair our country from the top down-never reaching the bottom and thereby putting this country in economic jeopardy that is similar to the recent fall of Iceland and it's economy.

We demand, not ask at this point, that Congress and the judiciary branch redress these issues and take care of what should have been done in the beginning to repair the housing market-that being the passing of legislation, even under the refusals of the large banks, Wall Street firms and credit card companies to bring about a lowering of all principal balances and interest by a significant amount to bring about recovery to the housing market so that people can stay in their homes and not be thrown into the street as the mortgage companies and banks would like to see as they continue their free-for-all spending spree while they commit treason against the citizens of this country by knowingly putting their own interests in front of interests of this country and causing a worsening downward spiral of the economy, which can only lead to an all out depression if these violations are not ended and ended now.

Congress must stop being controlled by the pockets of these same individuals who receive the bailout money from Congress, then out of appreciation for all favors, big business returns some of those same funds to Congress members to benefit their causes, their own financial wealth and political campaigns at the expense of the citizens of these United States.

"Boss Tweed" politics, as we now are witnessing each and every day must cease and a return to a cleaner and more efficient government without corporate influence and greed affecting the law making process in order for Congress to then again, become a working body for the people as it was orginally meant to be by our forefathers.

If you are a concerned citizen and want to see this happen, the only way that is left is to sue these same corporations for undue influence upon our government and causing it's citizens a multitude of pain and suffering both physical, mental and financial.

CALL TODAY: (877) 424-4440 and show your support, it's evident now that the new administration is going to follow the same course, spend over 800 billion more of taxpayer dollars with the same result with a more than likely need for more and more to follow. Where will it end? It will end with the total destruction of our entire society and we, as citizens, cannot let it continue. Homeowners and taxpayers must realize that if the bottom was fixed in the beginning, these huge bailouts would not have been necessary.

What we've learned from this is that one myth has been proved to be a truth and that is that "Pigs do Fly," in fleets of corporate jets.

George Mandell
West Haven, Ct. 06516


Improvedliving said...

well these are lot of job losts

mortgage broker

Anonymous said...

Everything is very open and very clear explanation of issues.
Legal Letters

John Courson, CEO, National Mortgage Bankers Association

John Courson, CEO, National Mortgage Bankers Association

David G. Kittle, Chairman, National Mortgage Bankers Association

David G. Kittle, Chairman, National Mortgage Bankers Association

David R. Misch CEO, Bank of New York-Mellon

David R. Misch CEO, Bank of New York-Mellon

Jamie Dimon, CEO, JP Morgan-Chase

Jamie Dimon, CEO, JP Morgan-Chase

Kenneth D. Lewis, CEO, Bank of America, Countrywide Home Loans and Merrill-Lynch

Kenneth D. Lewis, CEO, Bank of America, Countrywide Home Loans and Merrill-Lynch

Thomas J. Donohue, CEO, National Chamber of Commerce-Lobbyist Group for these vermin.

Thomas J. Donohue, CEO, National Chamber of Commerce-Lobbyist Group for these vermin.

Edward LIddy, CEO, AIG Insurance

Edward LIddy, CEO, AIG Insurance
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